I’ve put together a short video of this panel in action connected to the STM32F103. My test panel is a 4.3″ 480×272 device obtained on ebay and I have supplied traits classes for it.
#Ssd1963 stm32 driver driver#
The stm32plus driver for the SSD1963 calls upon small ‘traits’ classes to supply the timing and size information for the panel being controlled. Instead it allows you to program it to support any resolution up to 800×480 as long as you know the timings for the panel that you’re going to use. It’s slightly unusual in that it’s not hard-wired to any particular resolution. The SSD1963 is another one from Solomon Systech. Hopefully one of you will have a panel with ‘GD’ set to the non-interlaced mode! SSD1963 TFT driver
#Ssd1963 stm32 driver software#
The offending driver input line is ‘GD’ and of course it’s the only one you can’t set in software using the ‘driver output control (r01h)’ register. That is, if you set a display window to cover the whole screen and then fill it with pixels then the pixels will fill the rows in this order: 1,0,3,2,5,4… This makes it impossible to support with my graphics driver. I have labelled this driver as experimental because I have not been able to verify that it works with the cheap ebay SSD1289 panel that I have because my cheap panel appears to be hardwired into an interlaced mode. The driver names are:Īn example demo program is supplied in the ‘examples/ssd1289’ directory. SSD1289 TFT driverĮxperimental support is now provided for the Solomon Systech 1289 QVGA TFT driver with 64K and 262K colours and in landscape and portrait mode.
#Ssd1963 stm32 driver full#
A full list of driver declarations are:Īndy created a corresponding example demo that you can find in the ‘examples/lgdp453x’ directory. The stm32plus driver for this panel was contributed by Andy Franz and gratefully accepted by myself into this release.Ħ4K and 262K colour modes are supported in landscape and portrait orientations. The LGDP4531/2 is a 320×240 (QVGA) TFT panel from LG. Documentation can be found in this previous article.
The installation and usage instructions have not changed since version 2.0.0. non-gcc compilers will certainly not work.
Other gcc toolchains may also work but are not tested. Mentor Graphics) on Windows 7 圆4 and Ubuntu Linux and I recommend that you do too. I use the free ‘arm-2012.09’ arm-none-eabi gcc release supplied by CodeSourcery (aka. I also replaced lots of subclass types that were there as a workaround for the lack of template typedefs with much cleaner template aliases. I’m currently working on a driver for one of the big on-chip peripherals and it just couldn’t be done cleanly without real variadic templates so I took the opportunity to migrate all the template ‘feature’ mix-in classes to variadics. This article will present a brief overview of the following new features.Īs mentioned in the banner at the top of this page you will need to ensure that you are using at least version 4.7.0 of gcc. Stm32plus version 2.1.0 has now been released and is available from my downloads page. Be sure to check out the announcement here.ĭue to the use of c++0x features the minimum compiler requirement is now version 4.7.0 of gcc